Reflection in personal and professional development is when an individual studying the way on improving the way they work, which can be an improvement of knowledge and understanding and/or skills. This act of reflection is a way to be more confident and become more proactive and qualified professions. Get Help With Your Essay Canada Essay Writing. King East, 36 King Street East 4th Floor, Toronto, M5C 3B2 P: (8AM to 4PM (EST)) Essay about Professional Development of Nursing Professionals. Words4 Pages. Introduction Nursing is one of the most popular professions in healthcare. To become a professional nurse, one must acquire certain level of education, whether it is at associate or baccalaureate degree level. Once becoming a nurse a number of professional standards must be maintained to stay abreast with the
Topic: Personal and Professional Development - EssayHelp24/7
Identify your intended learning outcomes and discuss how you plan to achieve these within your module:. Within your introduction you may wish to identify your chosen career aspirations focusing on both your short term and long-term career goals, personal and professional development in nursing essay. You may also wish to identify the key artists who you aspire to become in relation to both your short and long term career goals.
Paragraph 1: Identify your personal and professional qualities and link these to your career aspirations and identifying how achievable your short and long term career aims are. You may wish to include research into other artists, quotes and examples of how they achieved their aspirations.
Appendix: You may wish to include the personal and professional skills audit you completed within your session. You may also wish to include research into make-up artists and the attributes required for your chosen career aspiration. Personal and professional development in nursing essay 2: Key strengths and areas for development: please include a diagram of your SWOT and SMART plan covering a two year period these can be found on blackboard within your second session power point.
Your SWOT and SMART plans are NOT included within the word count. You may also wish to discuss the benefits of crewing up and subscription sites and how your website can link to your subscription profile, personal and professional development in nursing essay. You may also wish to discuss how undertaking further training and courses can develop your skills and experience to prepare you for your chosen area of employment. Consider identifying how you plan to effectively develop your skills and how you intend to advertise these services effectively within your website.
Appendix: You may wish to include evidence of training schemes, short courses, or BA Hons, examples of job specifications, work placement opportunities, subscription and crewing up sites you have joined and other areas you have researched to support your career development. Paragraph 3: Thorough justification and explanation of your choices relating to your website design, content and construction — You may wish to discuss how the services you offer will personal and professional development in nursing essay your short and long term career aspirations.
You may wish to identify how your website relates to your career aspirations from a design perspective and why have you selected certain design features?
Appendix: You may wish to include research of other artist websites, focussing on your competition and screen shots of your website. Paragraph 4: Marketing : Identify your unique selling point and discuss how this will support your career aspirations. You may wish to discuss the choices you have made within the design of your Business cards. You may discuss the alternative forms of marketing and self-promotion you have considered.
You may wish to discuss the justification behind the creation of your company logo and name. You may wish to discuss the specifics behind your pricing strategy, what packages do you offer and why have you chosen to offer these? Appendix: you may wish to include examples of your business cards, your logo and alternative logos and business card designs, personal and professional development in nursing essay, you may wish to include research of yourcompetitions logos and price list etc.
Paragraph 5: Networking: discuss the importance of network and who you will be required to network with, in support of you achieving your career aspiration. You may wish discuss the importance of networking with make-up artists who have left university within the last 5 years and those artists who have achieved your long term career aspiration.
You may wish to discuss your proposed CV and how you intend to use your CV and who you have sent your CV to. Appendix: copy of your CV,any forms of communication between yourself and artists, screen shots of your website or other social media accounts, samples of different styles and layouts of CVs your were considering. Evaluate your learning: the following is a suggestion not a definitive list or some of the areas you may wish to consider discussing within your evaluation, personal and professional development in nursing essay, however there maybe other areas you may wish to discuss that are not included within the list.
It is absolutely fine to discuss these additional points. Skip to content Identify your intended learning outcomes and discuss how you plan to achieve these within your module: Learning outcomes are: Critically analyse personal attributes. Develop achievable and realistic career plans to inform personal and professional development needs.
Select and compile appropriate portfolio evidence of developed skills, knowledge and experience suitable for a chosen professional audience. Promote own practice through social media and industry focussed websites. Effectively communicate and showcase personal and professional attributes to prospective employers or clients Within your introduction you may wish to identify your chosen career aspirations focusing on both your short term and long-term career goals.
Main body words Paragraph 1: Identify your personal and professional qualities and link these to your career aspirations and identifying how achievable your short and long term career aims are.
Evaluation words Evaluate your learning: personal and professional development in nursing essay following is a suggestion not a definitive list or some of the areas you may wish personal and professional development in nursing essay consider discussing within your evaluation, however there maybe other areas you may wish to discuss that are not included within the list.
how well do you feel you have met your intended learning outcomes? Have you received employment from your CV or website? How do you plan develop your website to support you in achieving your long term career aspirations? Do you feel your website and your learning have supported you in developing a well-defined career plan? Have you forged links with artist who may help you achieve your aspiration, if not how and who do you intend to contact? If you were to produce your website again what would you do differently and why?
What are your next steps towards achieving your carer aspiration? Previous Post Previous Topic: Canadian legal system. Next Post Next Topic: Current Issues in Leadership.
My Personal Philosophy of Nursing - Whiteboard
, time: 4:52Introduction Of Learning And Personal Development Nursing Essay

· Critically analyse personal attributes. Develop achievable and realistic career plans to inform personal and professional development needs. Select and compile appropriate portfolio evidence of developed skills, knowledge and experience suitable for a chosen professional audience Reflection in personal and professional development is when an individual studying the way on improving the way they work, which can be an improvement of knowledge and understanding and/or skills. This act of reflection is a way to be more confident and become more proactive and qualified professions. Get Help With Your Essay Canada Essay Writing. King East, 36 King Street East 4th Floor, Toronto, M5C 3B2 P: (8AM to 4PM (EST))