Monday, April 26, 2021

Essays on 2020

Essays on 2020

essays on 2020

 · On April 26, , our household was a bustling home for four people. Our two sons, ages 18 and 22, have a lot of energy. We are among the lucky ones. I can work remotely  · Read these 12 moving essays about life during coronavirus Artists, novelists, critics, and essayists are writing the first draft of history. By Alissa Wilkinson @alissamarie Apr 5, , pm EDT What Will Happen in the Year essays

Seven short essays about life during the pandemic - The Boston Globe

Every New is a present of new hopes, new energy, and a beautiful future. We enjoy the commencing of New Year by giving a warm welcome and saying goodbye to the old year. The year was a New Year after the end of the year Essays on 2020 year has arrived with a lot of positivity and good vibes but because of the pandemic became a year to be remembered in the future. The year was said as a year to live safely and remain alive.

Everybody might have their own experience regarding the year The essays on 2020 aspects of the year have been provided by me in the form of a long essay.

It might give an idea to the students to write about this topic. Every year is full of a mixture of good and bad memories. The year was a leap year and has its starting from Wednesday. The year was full of bad news all around the world. The year has passed with great negativity but gave a big message to human beings. The beginning of the year came up with bad news of Australian bushfires.

In this, more than Million animals were killed. Later inthe essays on 2020 was hit with the tremors of the Pandemic caused by Covid, and simultaneously there were marches of racial equality and justice in the USA.

The consequences of the pandemic were painful. It totally changed everything in this world. The people were advised to stay in the houses.

The roads, markets, and busiest places like railway and bus stations remain haunted with no people. There were successive lockdowns imposed by different nations in the world. The liveliness, hustle-bustle, essays on 2020, and happiness disappeared suddenly. Everything happened suddenly in an uncertain manner. There have been no enjoyment, weddings, parties, celebrations this year. The pandemic brought a huge recession to the whole world.

Many countries in the world faced a financial crisis during this time. It led to the cancellation of different events that were supposed to be held in Overall it can be stated that everything stopped at a moment and thus we have been placed 10 years back in the race of essays on 2020. The year has been a very destructive time for the whole world.

It appeared as if the wheel running continuously has stopped suddenly. The year has been mentioned as a bad time full of painful events. Many people have lost their family members and loved ones as lakhs of people died due to Covid The industries, essays on 2020, factories, businesses, schools, offices all were shut down for a longer period. Many people lost their jobs and became helpless, essays on 2020.

The students were not able to go to school and attend class. The only option to know about the world was the media. The news of the COVID was only delivered on essays on 2020 news channels all throughout the year.

The year has also experienced the adverse impact of climatic changes like floods and cyclones. The Australian bushfire and extreme tropical cyclones in North America had devastating aftereffects.

The festivals in the year were celebrated by people peacefully within the houses with safety. Children are always waiting for the arrival of the holidays. They love to play instead of going to school to and attend the classes.

All schools and educational institutions were shut due to the nationwide lockdown. In starting the schools were closed and no learning activity continued.

The students were granted a long holiday. The situation was not going to be healed sooner and therefore the online learning method was adopted by all the educational institutions.

The students had to attend their classes online instead of going to school. This step was beneficial for the students as the studies were not disrupted and continued. The major problem was with poor students who were not financially strong and essays on 2020 having separate smart phones or laptops for attending the classes online.

The problem aroused with the parents having more than two children. The government has also provided online education for students by television. The issues of bad network connectivity deprived many students of attending the online lectures and therefore they were marked absent.

The earth belongs to all the living organisms created by god. Human beings forget this thing and started to understand themselves as the supreme power. Environmental issues are happening due to the illicit and improper use of resources by human beings, essays on 2020. The pandemic was essays on 2020 lesson to the deeds of human beings, essays on 2020.

We need to understand and care about nature that is a great gift provided by god to us. We were the sufferers of the mistakes we have committed. Nature Heals Itself: During the lockdown, the animals freely wandered on the roads. Nature got the time to heal itself. Many unnatural things happened during this time. Dolphin has been sighted in the waters of river Ganga.

The pollution level during those days was low as very few vehicles were permitted. This was a warning to mankind. If humans have cared about the environment and other living organisms we would have not suffered up to this extent. We must be prepared for essays on 2020 any difficult situation.

We pay our gratitude and Hats off to the corona warriors who stood for us without fearing for their lives. The masks and sanitizers should be made as an integral part of our daily life. It promotes healthier and hygienic living. The year was a remarkable year in the history of the world. The means of transportation including trains and airplanes all were stopped. The nationwide Lockdown was imposed by most of the countries in the world. We never have thought of this kind of situation. The people remained wherever they were and many were away from their families.

The stories of the migrant labourers who walked miles to reach their families and many died accidentally in the way and that was the most pathetic situation. The situation started becoming worse day by day, essays on 2020. Thus it can be stated that the year changed the way of life and everything. It was full of changes and challenges. It taught us the importance of family life and valuing nature and other living organisms.

The year has passed essays on 2020 giving us different unforgettable memories. This marks the year as a year to be remembered forever. The ceased activities slowly and gradually started resuming with safety and precaution in the last months of the year.

The changes will become an integral part of our lives in the essays on 2020. The year will be remembered for the havoc situation of the global Pandemic and drastic transformations in the world to get rid of this situation. The coronavirus infection was first confirmed in Kerala with the first positive case in India.

The high economic countries like the USA, China, France, Italy, etc suffered a great fall in GDP due to pandemic. Diwakar Sharma has been a blogger for many years.

As he knows well that readers behold the beauty of perception, so he writes to deliver the knowledge in an interesting, informative, and creative manner. Essays on 2020 loves traveling and spending time with nature to enhance his creativity and consciousness. He loves Essays on 2020 Culture and always keen to explore the depth of it.

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by Diwakar Sharma. How was a Year of Changes and Challenges Words Introduction Every year is full of a mixture of good and bad memories.

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Essay on is the Year to be Remembered for School and College Students

essays on 2020

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