· An expository paragraph has a topic sentence, with supporting sentences that provide further information and a concluding sentence. This paragraph is an example of an expository paragraph because it provides information and has a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion. A topic sentences guides the flow of an expository blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min · Revised on October 15, “Expository” means “intended to explain or describe something.”. An expository essay provides a clear, focused explanation of a particular topic, process, or set of ideas. It doesn’t set out to prove a point, just to give a balanced view of its subject matter. Expository essays are usually short assignments intended to test your composition skills or your Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins blogger.comting. This is the first stage of writing an expository essay that aims to generate ideas and determine the topic blogger.comng. This stage is devoted to the creation of the outline of the future paper. The basic outline of the blogger.comng. The revising /re-seeing stage of the writing Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
How to Write an Expository Essay | Structure, Tips & Examples
When writing expository essays, many students face numerous challenges due to the lack of understanding the nature of this essay type, its purpose, types, and structure. To explain the basis of the good expository essay writing, we created a detailed guide with all the necessary information to explain the main rules and pitfalls of this type of academic writing.
You will save your expository paragraph and enjoy the essay writing process by studying the information gathered and organized in a strict and concise manner. The expository essays require the student to investigate a particular idea, expound on that idea, evaluate evidence, expository paragraph, and set forward an argument to that idea clearly and concisely.
This type of essays can be accomplished through the analysis of cause and effect, expository paragraph, comparison and contrast, expository paragraph, definitions, or examples.
Therefore, this type of essay is commonly assigned to college students as an effective tool for classroom evaluation. Moreover, an expository essay type is often found in different exam formats.
Expository essay writing may have some convincing purposes, especially when a student is required to write a problem-solution type of expository essay. However, there are some expository paragraph between expository and persuasive papers. Persuasive or argumentative essays always take a position on the particular issue and make attempts to convince the audience to accept all the arguments of the author.
By contrast, the expository essay does not try to convince the reader, while the argumentative or persuasive essay does. The direct conviction is missing, and it is a major difference between both essay types. Typically, your expository essay should be composed of five paragraphs.
The first is an introductory paragraph that contains the thesis statement, which is the main idea of your essay. The next three paragraphs are the body of the essay, that provides details and evidence in support of the thesis. The last paragraph is conclusion that restates the thesis statement and summarizes the expository paragraph. This stage is devoted to the creation of the outline of the future paper.
The basic outline of the expository essay is presented below. Revising refers to expository paragraph the global structure and enriching the content of the paper. Editing and proofreading.
This is the final stage of the essay writing and editing process that focuses on surface errors, for example, misspellings, expository paragraph, grammar mistakes, expository paragraph, punctuation. To conclude an expository essay properly, you should follow several rules:. Our expository paragraph writers outlined the core tips on how to write an expository essay to follow the grading rubric.
Have a look at the list of tips below, and try to follow each point to make sure your paper receives the best grade. To make sure you get acquainted with all the important information regarding how to write an effective expository essay, have a look at some expository essay examples:, expository paragraph.
Expository paragraph you're sorted into Gryffindor, expository paragraph, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin, your background expository paragraph behavior tells a lot about who you are. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from Expository paragraph Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone are in opposite expository paragraph, and at times they seem like opposite characters. Even though Harry and Draco appear different in every way, readers can see how alike these two rivals really are, expository paragraph.
The first difference between Harry and Draco is their upbringing. Harry was raised by Muggles non-magical peoplewhile Draco comes from an elite wizarding family that hates Muggles.
When the boys meet for the first time, Draco talks about whether Muggle-born wizards should even attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:. They're just not the same, expository paragraph, they've never been brought up to know our ways. Some of them have never even heard of Hogwarts until they get the letter, imagine, expository paragraph. I think they should keep it in the old wizarding families, expository paragraph.
Harry doesn't respond to Draco's comment. Even though Harry is from an "old wizarding family" like Draco's, he is one of those people who had not heard of Hogwarts expository paragraph of his Muggle upbringing, expository paragraph. Draco's negative opinion about families he believes to be "lower" than his family creates his first conflict with Harry.
The way that Draco and Harry treat people from other backgrounds is another difference between them, expository paragraph. On the Hogwarts Express, Harry and Draco meet again, this time with Ron Weasley, expository paragraph. Harry makes friends with Ron, while Draco immediately insults him. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there. Harry won't join in with Draco's put-down expository paragraph even refuses to shake his hand.
Harry is the kind of person who stands up for people, while Draco tears them down. But even though Harry and Draco are early enemies, their character traits can be quite similar, too. They are both competitive and passionate about their houses. Both boys are even willing to break Hogwarts rules for their own purposes. When Hagrid, the school groundskeeper, expository paragraph, has an illegal dragon that is about to hatch, Harry convinces his friends to break expository paragraph rules and see it.
Harry and his friends end up sneaking out to see the dragon. But, as they are about to leave, they find out that another student has also broken the rules to see the dragon: Draco.
Harry bolted to the door and looked out. Even at a distance there was no mistaking him. Malfoy had seen the dragon. Rowling Harry broke the rules to protect Hagrid, and Draco broke the rules to get Harry in trouble. Their motivations are different, but neither character seems to expository paragraph too much about Hogwarts rules. Later on, they both get detention at Hogwarts for different reasons, demonstrating that their behavior is treated the same way.
Even though Harry and Draco are enemies throughout the book, they are not completely different. Their similarities help them grow, and expository paragraph differences help them make choices that are right for their character.
Their houses may be opposites, but their characters certainly aren't. It's almost impossible to imagine a war that involved 32 countries, 40 million fatalities, expository paragraph, and billion dollars. But World War I, also known as The Great War or The War to End All Wars, ended up expository paragraph one of the costliest global conflicts in terms of both funds and human lives.
While it's difficult to understand the magnitude of World War I, it's even harder to comprehend how the actions of Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian assassin, could trigger such an international chain event. Though there were many underlying causes to World War I, the events of June 28, are considered the inciting incident. Princip's assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo was designed to influence the creation of Yugoslavia.
As a result, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia one month later during the July Crisis. Though Serbia effectively accepted all of Austria's demands except for one, the Austrian government broke diplomatic relations with the expository paragraph country on July 25 and went ahead with military preparedness measures.
When Austria-Hungary entered the war, Germany was immediately involved. Serbia's ally, Russia, expository paragraph, posed a significant threat to Austria-Hungary's objective. What could have been a small-scale skirmish turned into a larger operation when Germany then declared war on Russia. His Majesty the Emperor, expository paragraph, my august Sovereign, in the name of the German Empire, accepts the challenge, and expository paragraph himself at war with Russia.
By bringing Russia to the war, Germany found itself at war with Russia's ally, France. Soon after, expository paragraph, Germany began "The Rape of Belgium," in which it illegally invaded Belgium in an attempt to bring its troops to Paris. The atrocity quickly attracted international attention, including that of Britain, who declared war on Germany on August 4, Britain's declaration of war is considered the true beginning of World War I. The assassination that caused the initial conflict was left behind long ago, as its effects were rapidly escalating long past that fateful day.
The effects of Princip's actions quickly ricocheted around the world, expository paragraph. Expository paragraph Ottoman Empire entered the war after making a secret alliance with Germany, and Montenegro and France declared war against Austria-Hungary.
The Battle of the Marne in between Germany, expository paragraph, France, Russia, and Britain began four years of constant trench warfare. Soldiers suffered from the advances of chemical warfare, as detailed by nurse Vera Brittain in her memoir Testament of Youth.
Expository paragraph mustard-coloured blisters, blind expository paragraph, all sticky and expository paragraph together, always fighting for breath, with voices a mere whisper, saying that their throats are closing and they know they will choke, expository paragraph. Operations continued in the Pacific as Japan, New Zealand, and South Africa declared war against Germany. Italy, having already proclaimed their neutrality, declared war on Germany after the Treaty of London, expository paragraph.
Inexpository paragraph, Germany tried to coerce Mexico to declare war against America, leading President Woodrow Wilson to finally bring the United States into the strife. But the right is more precious than peace, expository paragraph, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts-democracy.
Immediately following the United States' entrance into the war was Cuba and Panama, who declared war on Germany the next day. Greece followed suit in Junefollowed closely by Liberia and China. Over the next year, countless battles and operations pushed boundaries and lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers to the cause. The final offensive of World War I, the Hundred Days Offensive, led Germany to the brink of defeat.
After Germany signed the Armistice of Compiègne on November 11,the fighting was officially over - but the effects of the war were just beginning. World War I may seem like it took place over four very busy years, but the effects of the international strife would come to define the 21st century. By the time the Paris Peace Conference began in Januaryexpository paragraph, Germany's economy and morale had plummeted.
They had fought against nearly 30 countries and had come close to complete destruction, only to feel cheated by the Versailles Treaty. The social and economic upheaval that followed World War I gave rise to many radical right wing parties in Weimar Germany.
The harsh provisions of the Treaty of Versailles led many in the general population to believe that Germany had been "stabbed in the back" by the "November criminals. The discouraged nation was resistant to the provisions of the treaty and to their new democratic rule. Many German citizens longed for more authoritarian rule as they'd had prior to World War I.
A ruined economy led to hyperinflation, expository paragraph, which made Germany fearful of Communism as well. Adolf Hitler, expository paragraph Austrian extremist and leader of the Nazi Party, became a welcome voice in right-wing nationalist politics.
Lesson 4.1 Expository Paragraph
, time: 18:18Expository essay: Purpose of expository paragraph

A good expository paragraph is the key to clear written communication. A quality paragraph prepares the reader, presents the relevant data, and then summarizes the information. The opening sentences need to first identify the topic of the paragraph and then name the specific supports that are to be used. The body of the paragraph presents specific information that clarifies and provides examples of the topic An expository essay is an essay that requires to examine a specific topic and give arguments. It involves a presentation of the main thought in a clear manner using the contrast and comparison and including the relevant examples and explanations of certain phenomena. Unique Expository Essay TopicsEstimated Reading Time: 7 mins · An expository paragraph has a topic sentence, with supporting sentences that provide further information and a concluding sentence. This paragraph is an example of an expository paragraph because it provides information and has a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion. A topic sentences guides the flow of an expository blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min
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