Monday, April 26, 2021

Non peer reviewed articles

Non peer reviewed articles

non peer reviewed articles

Non Peer-reviewed Articles These are articles which the CHRC has written specifically for the British nuclear test veteran community for publication in the magazines Campaign () and Exposure (since ). Their purpose to inform the nuclear community about the work of the CHRC and to educate about the science which underpins our research  · Peer-reviewed (also called refereed or scholarly) articles are written by researchers, doctors or scientists and then carefully vetted by other experts in the same field. The peer reviewers check the quality of the research, the methodology and the procedures used to evaluate the data While they do undergo review by an editor, they don’t receive peer review and are often biased to some degree. This doesn’t negate their value, however, as tools to establish current or historical context. Magazines. Similarly to newspaper articles, magazine articles might be edited but they usually don’t get peer reviewed

Peer Reviewed Sources: Non-Peer Reviewed Sources - Tutorials - OU Libraries

In this article we disc uss cancer as a health effect which may arise as a consequence of exposure to ionising radiation. Ionising Radiation and Tissue Effects Part 2 Published in Exposure Magazine, Summer Non peer reviewed articles is the second part of a two-part article. This article discusses examples of late tissue effects, i. effects which can take place several years after exposure such as cardiovascular disease and cataracts.

Ionising Radiation and Tissue Effects Part 1 Published in Exposure Magazine, April In this article, we discuss the non-cancer health effects of radiation on exposed individuals. Radiation Exposed Populations Published in Exposure Magazine, August In this article we introduce research from scientists from around the world who are studying groups of people known to be exposed to radiation.

The article includes medically-exposed populations, survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and those affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.

Here we summarise the CHRC project that is examining the effects of combined exposures to radiation and chemicals. The article explains the work being carried out in order to help us gain an understanding of the possible risks of such combined exposure on health. A major component of the research programme that is currently underway at CHRC is the genetic and cytogenetic assessment of nuclear test veterans and their families. This article provides information on the rationale and process for undertaking this study.

The techniques and non peer reviewed articles described can be used to identify the potential for newly arising mutations in the descendants of non peer reviewed articles populations. This article outlines the CHRC project that is examining factors associated with cognitive functioning. This article was written in response to explain non peer reviewed articles reasons why individuals are are unable to pro-actively volunteer.

It describes the various techniques used to study chromosomal aberrations including an overview of the technique known as fluorescence in situ hybridisation FISH. This article describes the structural rearrangement of chromosomes and the possibility of incorrect repair when damage occurs as a result of radiation exposure.

Skip to content. Non Peer-reviewed Articles. Non Peer-reviewed Articles These are articles which the CHRC has written specifically for the British nuclear test veteran community for publication in the magazines Campaign and Exposure since Their purpose to inform the nuclear community about the work of the CHRC and to educate about the science which underpins our research, non peer reviewed articles.

Ionising Radiation and Cancer Part 1 Published in Exposure Magazine, non peer reviewed articles, December In this article we disc uss cancer as a health effect which may arise as a consequence of exposure to ionising radiation.

Assessment of Risks from Combined Exposures to Radiation and Chemicals Published in Exposure Magazine, April Here we summarise the CHRC project that is examining the effects of combined exposures to radiation and chemicals.

Investigating the DNA of British Nuclear Test Veterans and their Families Published in Exposure Magazine, December A major component of the research programme that is currently underway at CHRC is the genetic and cytogenetic assessment of nuclear test veterans and their families. Exposure Worry, Ageing, and Cognitive Functioning Published in Exposure Magazine, August This article outlines the CHRC project that is examining factors associated with cognitive functioning.

Genome Biology: Chromosomes and their structural rearrangement Published in Campaign Magazine, Summer This article describes the structural rearrangement of chromosomes and the possibility of incorrect repair when damage occurs as a result of radiation exposure. This site uses cookies: Find out more, non peer reviewed articles. Okay, thanks.

How to tell if an article is peer reviewed

, time: 1:39

non peer reviewed articles

Find a non-peer reviewed academic source For the purposes of this assignment, your non-peer-reviewed academic source will probably be either a book or a government document; (Non-peer reviewed academic articles do exist, but they are often difficult to find in article databases.) Use Google Advanced Search to find a government Shane Neifer  · A non peer reviewed article is any article that appears in a newspaper or magazine in which someone else who is an expert in the field the article talks about reviews it. Non- peer-review articles are not checked for accuracy, as anymore can send an article in and no one checks it to make sure it is correct before publishing it. The key difference between a peer review refereed to refereeing and a non-peer review is that peer review articles are generally considered much more reliable than non-peer-reviewed articles

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