Monday, April 26, 2021

Short paragraph on my visit to an amusement park

Short paragraph on my visit to an amusement park

short paragraph on my visit to an amusement park

On the day of my thirteenth birthday, I was really excited since I was going to an amusement park for the? rst time in my life. So me and some of my friends I had invited, got into the car with my mom and dad, ready to have the time of our lives at the amusement park. On reaching the park, we bought tickets for everyone and entered the park  · A visit to an amusement park – Short Paragraph As we entered the park, I was amazed by just the sight of the enormous rides in the park. People were dressed clowns and were performing silly tricks which were very funny. We stood in the queue to board my favourite ride, the Canada’s Wonderland Amusement Park was our destination. At first I felt like amusement parks were for kids but that day I got the best shock of my life. Trust me it is fun and adventurous. It feels like going to the moon and back

Free Essay: A Visit To An Amusement Park

It was one boring Saturday, just a few days after my summer holidays began. I had travelled to Toronto to stay with my mum. She is an artist and she wanted me to help her develop a collection for her next art exhibition. But that day was kind of different.

I sat on the couch at corner, held my laptop, read several art blogs and posted comments. I tried social media, even funny posts could not move me. I was just so uneasy and bored. Was it the heat or what? Want to come? She stood leaning against the wall, dressed in denim jeans and a loose white chiffon top.

She loved heels but that day she was in oxfords. Her hair was loosely held in a bun and her beautiful watery hazel eyes looked directly at me, behind sunglasses though. She was just like a model awaiting a photo shoot. At first I felt like amusement parks were for kids but that day I got the best shock of my life. Trust me it is fun and adventurous. It feels like going to the moon and back, short paragraph on my visit to an amusement park. There was too much beauty in one place.

The ancient castle designs, green trees, and colorful flowers, the beautiful Royal fountain: I could not help but imagine what more there was to see, short paragraph on my visit to an amusement park. I was particularly eager to have a roller coaster experience. As a kid, Short paragraph on my visit to an amusement park was so afraid of it but I believed it was worth trying someday. Our first stop was the Chicken Shack, where we took so delicious chicken wraps. I bought lots of candies as well.

There were too many rides in the park. We started with the Flight Deck. For a moment, I felt my heart throb hard against my chest at an increasing pace as if it wanted to come out. Cold sweat trickled slowly down my spine. The palm of my hands got wetter as seconds passed as I clung tightly to the rail. I could feel a great gush of adrenaline in my system and I did not even notice when and how I started to scream so loud like a banshee. What an experience that was!

Time Warp was not so different. We just had to lie on our bellies instead of sitting. All I could do was close my eyes, hold my teeth together and pray that the whole affair ends so quickly. I could not handle any more circular movements. The little strength I had left was preserved for the Leviathan, the longest roller coaster in the park. That was the climax, the mother of all rides. I left that place momentarily deaf, because tears blocked my ears and my eyes were slightly watery and my throat was sore from all the screaming.

A ride on the bumper cars made me feel 15 years younger. We made a lot of noise. I felt like a kid once again. After all the fun, we were really tired. It was getting late already. We had to go back home. I really had lots of fun.

If being a child could give one such pleasure and happiness, I would not really wish to grow up any time soon. I promised myself to go back and cover the places I did not go to.

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A Visit To An Amusement Park Free Essay Example

short paragraph on my visit to an amusement park

On the day of my thirteenth birthday, I was really excited since I was going to an amusement park for the? rst time in my life. So me and some of my friends I had invited, got into the car with my mom and dad, ready to have the time of our lives at the amusement park. On reaching the park, we bought tickets for everyone and entered the park Canada’s Wonderland Amusement Park was our destination. At first I felt like amusement parks were for kids but that day I got the best shock of my life. Trust me it is fun and adventurous. It feels like going to the moon and back  · A Visit to an Amusement Park. On the day of my thirteenth birthday, I was really excited since I was going to an amusement park for the first time in my life. So me and some of my friends I had invited, got into the car with my mom and dad, ready to have the time of our lives at the amusement park. On reaching the park, we bought tickets for everyone and entered the park

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